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Two Doctors Accused of Filming Women with Hidden Cameras

by Josh Kirschner on August 06, 2012

Amazingly, two doctors were arrested last week for allegedly filming women with hidden spy cameras. Dr. Adam Levinson, a noted urologist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, and Dr. Lance Wyatt, a celebrity plastic surgeon in Los Angeles, were arrested in separate incidents involving peeking up women's skirts and spying on patients.

Dr. Adam LevinsonAccording to news reports, Dr. Levinson was using a pen camera clipped to a folded newspaper to peek up women's skirts on the platform of the Number 4 Subway train on Manhattan's East Side. A bystander noticed Dr. Levinson moving in a "suspicious manner" behind a women as she read on her Kindle. The bystander notified police, and Levinson was apprehended as he was attempting to film women as they descended a staircase in the station.

Levinson has been suspended by Mount Sinai Hospital and faces charges of unlawful surveillance in the second degree, a class E felony. If convicted, he could face up to four years in prison.

Dr. Lance WyattMeanwhile, on the opposite coast, Dr. Lance Wyatt has been charged with six misdemeanor counts alleging that he secretly video-recorded patients while they were undressed and committed acts of sexual battery. According to Carmen Trutanich, Los Angeles City Attorney, "Dr. Wyatt...allegedly made video-recordings of two patients who were undressed. The two alleged victims, unaware that they were being filmed, were patients and were seeing the defendant as part of their post-surgical care. The camera used by defendant to commit these offenses was discovered by one of the victims who fled the office and turned the camera over to police."

Dr. Wyatt could face a maximum sentence of two years in county jail and lifetime registration as a sex offender if convicted on all counts.

Both of these men were successful physicians who were highly respected in their fields, yet, it's hard to imagine that either will be able to keep their medical licenses if convicted of a sex-related crime.

So what can you do to protect yourself from illicit spying? While it may be a bit paranoid to suspect hidden cameras are everywhere, if you have a suspicion or concern, hidden camera detectors are available that may give you some piece of mind.

To protect yourself from "subway spying", always stay aware of your surroundings. Spy cams can be hidden in almost anything, from a pen to a watch to an mp3 player. If someone is following you, standing too close or acting suspicious, move away and, if necessary, contact the authorities.


Health and Home, News, Home Safety & Security, Blog

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From Kevin D. Murray on August 07, 2012 :: 11:45 am

I for many years I’ve complied lists cases like these each week or so at Based on news reports of arrests and court cases the trend is definitely upward.

Keeping in mind that these cases are the failures (they got caught), we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

Some solutions…
On a personal level, small camera detectors such as a CD-60 or SpyFinder can provide some degree of reassurance.  Being observant. Look around. Spycams can be built into anything, but they will always be in direct line of sight of you, mirror bouncing excepted. If an object, like a clock, radio, smoke detector, etc. seems out of place in the environment, be suspicious. Also, trust your instincts. If people in the area give you the creeps, be suspicious.

Many businesses which have areas where their patrons expect privacy (clothing stores, hotels, hospitals, country clubs, pools, schools, etc.) are beginning to hire professional sweepers to periodically check for spycams. Ask businesses you frequent if they also check. For them, it is a matter of due diligence and showing a pro-active security stance; good customer relations, and helpful should a law suit arise.

You can see how professional sweepers find spycams at



From Sue on August 08, 2012 :: 2:28 pm

I have been suspicious of unknown surveillence for many years since a well-known professional in my area was arrested and convicted of voyerism and other dispicable acts of invasion of privacy.  I search my surroundings out very well.



From Arline on December 04, 2012 :: 2:00 pm

Do you have any idea what is going on on college campuses? Boston University had a porn magazine for 5 years which they finally shut down about a year ago. Colgate University’s student paper had a regular column on the sexual exploits of the student body (normal and natural to find someone in your bed the next day, doesn’t matter if you know their name). Do you really expect these people to suddenly become “respectable” when they graduate?
“Animal House” is alive and well and all grown up now and if you look at what is being propagated in grade, middle and high schools, you will see where it is coming from.


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