Those vintage china plates in your dining room breakfront are more than just beautiful decorations, they’re precious family heirlooms stacked with sentimental value.
Too bad junior just used one as a Frisbee and shattered it.
Bypass wailing like a banshee, pull yourself together, and point your web browser to
There you’ll find The Broken Plate Pendant Company, brainchild of craftswoman Juliet Ames, who will take any fine china and transform it into glamorous jewelry ranging from necklaces to rings and cuff links––as well as into other items, such as a wine bottle stoppers.
Founded in 2005 to fashion pendants out of plates Ames had collected from thrift shops and shattered for other artwork, the business has since expanded to creating bespoke items from plates sent to her by customers––including “broken sentimental china.”
But it’s not just antique plates that can stir memories and emotions. Among Ames’ most popular custom services at re-crafting plates from customers’ recent weddings into gifts for bridesmaids and best men.
From Kathy on June 07, 2010 :: 10:37 am
Wow I’m gonna try this !! Thanks for posting it