There's been so many breaches of personal data recently that it is almost impossible for the average person to know whether their information may have been compromised. Was your email address and password stolen from Sony PlayStation's servers? How about the massive theft at Epsilon, email marketer for the Fortune 500? A new site called "Should I Change My Password?" is here to help.
Created by Australian security expert, Daniel Grzelak, Should I Change My Password tells you whether your email address was one of the 1,000,000+ stolen in recent hacker attacks. You simply visit the site and enter your email address. The site checks your email against the databases of stolen information released by the hackers themselves—either for bragging rights or to make a statement—and alerts you if you are on the list and how many times your data has been stolen. Grzelak says that he will keep the site up to date as new lists of stolen emails are released by hackers.
If your email comes up clean, it doesn't necessarily mean you're in the clear, just that you weren't a victim of the recent high profile thefts where information was released. Either way, these crimes are a wake-up call that we all need to stay on our toes when it comes to protecting our privacy.
The first step is to choose complex passwords that can't be easily guessed (Here's what NOT to do). Then ensure you're able to contain the damage if your data is hacked is by using separate passwords for every site you visit. Password management programs can make that process easy.
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