A girl in Germany accidental invited millions to her 16th birthday party when she posted the invitation into Facebook—1,500 revelers show up. Thessa, from Hamburg, meant to only invite her friends. Instead, she posted the invitation as "public", making it available for anyone on Facebook to see.
The invitation soon went viral and even though she quickly took the message down it was too late. The1,500 people who showed up created chaos for her family and neighborhood, ultimately requiring 70 police officers to control the crowds, according to Bild.de. Not the birthday party Thessa was hoping for.
This is a clear reminder to all of us that social networks can be wonderful when used properly, and can quickly awkward unintended consequences when not. If you haven't recently, now would be a good time to check your Facebook privacy settings, too.
From Christopher Koulouris on June 06, 2011 :: 10:49 pm
Never mind Thessa is eagerly making plans for her 17th, but who knows maybe this time she’ll see if her local council wont mind opening a couple of football fields for all the guests that are sure to drop by…
By the way Thessa- happy sweet 16th!