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The Best Weather Sites
The first thing I do in the morning is to check the weather forecast. With the recent wacky weather, I need to be armed with the forecast to head off the inevitable complaints from my boys when I hand out hats and gloves.
Weather sites these days deliver much more than just the high and low temperatures and whether you need an umbrella or gloves. They provide hyper-local, minute-by-minute precipitation graphs, emergency weather alerts, air quality information, and allergen reports. Accessing the sites via your computer (versus the associated apps on your phone) will provide better access to the rich data maps the best sites provide.
There are many weather sites to choose from, so I spent the last few weeks visiting weather sites to find the ones that deliver the best experience based on forecast accuracy, design, and depth of information. I found three weather sites that met my criteria and would highly recommend: The Weather Channel, AccuWeather, and Weather Underground. For most people, The Weather Channel provides the at-a-glance information you need with rich data and interesting weather stories. Specifically, here’s what I considered.
Forecast Accuracy
Weather forecasts are based on data collected by weather stations and other sources from around the world. That information is fed into supercomputers that generate the forecast based on weather models. The best weather sites use weather models with accuracy rates that hover around 85 percent. For any given location, though, one site's weather model may have better local data than another. This is especially true for sites that include data from personal weather stations.
According to research by Forecast Watch, a company that tracks forecast accuracy, The Weather Channel (aka Weather.com) and AccuWeather consistently rank at the top for forecast accuracy in the United States. You can see who ranks highly in your area at Forecast Watch's ForecastAdvisor.
The best sites let you see the day’s forecast at a glance, including temperature highs and lows, how cold it feels (the “real feel”), and whether you’ll need an umbrella later in the day. A weather advisory is clearly visible if there is dangerous weather in your area.
All the best sites have graphical elements that clue you in immediately about important weather information. The temperature, precipitation, and any weather alerts are hard to miss.
The Weather Channel has a clean graphical interface that clearly shows the current temperature, the day's high and low temperatures, an icon for precipitation, and any weather advisories in the main weather box. Below, you'll find the precipitation forecast if relevant. And then, as you scroll down the page, you can dig deeper into the forecast.
The AccuWeather main local weather page has a slight edge over The Weather Channel, with its very prominent weather alert bar and RealFeel Shade temperature, wind speed, and air quality in the main weather box. There's no need to scroll for more. I also like the color-coded precipitation graph, which clearly shows how heavy the precipitation is. If it's rain, you'll see shades of green (light rain) through red (heavy rain). It's not as obvious for snow, but there are shades of blue.
Weather Underground packs a lot of data into a small box, with the current temperature, the current "feels like" temperature, low and high temperatures for the day, wind speed and direction, the radar map, snapshot forecasts for the day, night and next day, as well as an overview of Coronavirus confirmed cases and deceased in the county. It's so dense that the details don't pop as much. The weather advisory is at the top of the page before the ad, so you see it first, but you may scroll by.
Most weather sites have ads that appear on the page and occasionally, and annoyingly, pop up over the content or between pages as you browse. The Weather Channel, AccuWeather, and Weather Underground all have ads, but there are few pop-up ads. The Weather Channel offers an option to go ad-free with a premium subscription ($4.99 per month or $29.99 per year).
Weather maps
Some sites offer a range of map data beyond the standard radar map for those who want a deeper dive into the data. The Weather Channel and Weather Underground, which are both owned by The Weather Company, have the richest sets of map data. However, The Weather Channel's map has more data sets to view than Weather Underground, making the interface easier to use and read.
The overall best weather site: The Weather Channel
The Weather Channel is the best weather site for most people, offering an accurate forecast that’s easy to read, high-quality weather-related news, and an interactive map that is easy to use and delivers a lot of detailed information. While there are ads, they don’t significantly detract from the viewing experience, and you can choose to go ad-free with a premium subscription ($4.99 per month or $29.99 per year).
Forecast Watch consistently ranks The Weather Channel among the top three for weather forecast accuracy, making it a good choice for your local weather and when traveling. I like the fact that there is a favorite cities bar at the top of the page that automatically populates as you search for weather, so you can easily toggle between places. And it’s easy to remove a city once it’s no longer a top priority. If there is an active weather advisory, there is a colored circle (yellow, orange, or red) with the number of advisories that is available on all pages. If you want a detailed look at what to expect in the following hours, the Hourly page provides forecasts at 15-minute increments for an hour for the free service and up to two hours for the premium service.
The Weather Channel has an easy-to-use interactive map that lets you take a deep dive into weather data, including information from personal weather stations in your area. Choose your map style from light, dark, satellite, or grayscale. Then, choose the main map layer from radar, clouds, temperature, wind speed, dew point, UV index, infrared satellite, driving difficulty, and more. After that, you can add other data like dew point, humidity, temperature, precipitation, and wind. You can also toggle on sightings of local area lightning and wildfires, turn on official marine, flood, tornado, and other official watches and warnings, view storm tracks, and data collected from personal weather stations. If you pay for a premium subscription, you can also access 24-hour future radar, a 30-mile lightning map layer, and Windstream data (the screenshot below shows the premium service).
As a weather news outlet, The Weather Channel offers timely weather stories and videos. Plus, there’s a whole section devoted to beautiful and interesting photos. The depth of weather news is greater than that of other weather sites.
The Weather Channel does the best job of providing both quick, at-a-glance weather information and more in-depth content, making it my top pick for the best weather site.
The best weather site for hyperlocal forecasts: AccuWeather
Of all the weather sites, AccuWeather does the best job of delivering your local forecast. Like The Weather Channel, AccuWeather consistently ranks within the top three sites for forecast accuracy. In addition, it has a proprietary forecasting tool that provides a highly precise hyperlocal near-term forecast, which AccuWeather calls Minutecast. Through Minutecast, you’ll find to-the-minute predictions of any expected weather in the next 120 minutes. So, if you want to know if you have time to walk the dog before the rain starts, Minutecast provides a quick answer.
Finding your local forecast is just a matter of searching. Once you’ve searched for a location, it will appear as a suggested location when you return, making it easy to click into your local forecast. AccuWeather’s local forecast page has a clean, easy-to-read design. There, you’ll find an overview of the day’s weather, a weather alert from Minutecast if precipitation is expected in the next 120 minutes, and you’ll see how the temperature feels in the shade and the sun.
AccuWeather’s maps are limited to radar, satellite, current conditions (meaning temperature), and severe weather (which you can top into to see the alert). Like The Weather Channel, you can view past weather as well as the predicted weather.
AccuWeather provides detailed air quality data, including the level of particulate matter at two sizes (less than 10 micrometers and less than 2.5 micrometers): nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and ground-level ozone. You can also view air quality maps and an hourly air-quality forecast.
For news, AccuWeather has a blog written by its staff of weather experts, which range in specialties from regional weather to astronomy and climate change. You’ll also find videos produced by AccuWeather and taken from across the web. The selection isn’t as deep as The Weather Channel, but there’s plenty to watch.
AccuWeather is the best if you’re looking for the best at-a-glance short-term local forecast. The site has a clean (though ad-supported) interface and gets you in and out armed with exactly what you need for the day.
If you need access to specific weather stations, Weather Underground
Weather Underground is the best choice if you need to know the weather on the top of a ski mountain, along the coast where you will be boating, or near a field for your son's afternoon soccer game. The site will automatically pull from weather stations near your current location, but you can select Change next to the weather station name and select any station from its database of more than 250,000 sites. I've used the feature to check the conditions at the top of the mountain when skiing and the forecast for the tiny island where we vacation in Maine. In many locations, especially more rural areas, Weather Underground is ranked highly by Forecast Watch.
Finding your local forecast is as easy as allowing the site to see your location and pull up the nearest station, or you can search for your city. If you regularly check the weather in a variety of locations, you can create a Favorite Cities list. Your local forecast will show the forecast for the day and local radar. Weather advisories show up in a bar at the top of the page.
The interactive weather map on Weather Underground, the Wundermap, lets you access various weather information, including temperature, wind speed and direction, dew point and humidity, and precipitation. You can also toggle on storm tracks, lightning, and active wildfires, among other data. You can look at current, past, and future readings as videos showing changes over time.
Specialized forecasts are limited to Pollen, air quality, and UV index, which you can find right below the local forecast. Clicking on any rating will take you to a page with pollen data broken down into types of pollen, a map that shows fine particulate matter readings, and UV risk based on skin type.
Weather Underground staff produces some weather news stories and videos and pulls content in from The Weather Channel. You won’t find the depth that The Weather Channel has, but you will find plenty of stories and videos to keep you up to date.
If you want to know where your weather data is being collected or want to use your own weather station, Weather Underground provides the best combination of an easy-to-read forecast with rich weather data and news.
Re-evaluated weather websites and updated the story on 1/24/2022
[Image credit: screenshots via Techlicious, dog with umbrella via BigStockPhoto]
For the past 20+ years, Techlicious founder Suzanne Kantra has been exploring and writing about the world’s most exciting and important science and technology issues. Prior to Techlicious, Suzanne was the Technology Editor for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia and the Senior Technology Editor for Popular Science. Suzanne has been featured on CNN, CBS, and NBC.
Intellicast is where I go if there is severe weather. The radar summary gives you cloud heights, speed, and direction, and the severe storm 1 km storm watch will pinpoint thunderstorms and tornadic activity with direction and windspeed.
Here is how OK looks:
Thanks for the weather site review. What would be even more valuable for me is to know which site leaves the fewest cookies, loads the fastest, and delivers the fewest pop-up ads. I used to use weather.com, but it seems to work very slowly. I’m looking for a simple place to get weather without a lot of advertising overhead. Any inputs are welcome! Thanks.
iMapWeather.com is very good and has a lot of simple options.
It is also interactive with some of the same tools you see your weather men use on TV.
Plus, it shows you locations of storm chasers that are feeding/streaming content and you can click on one and watch their feeds.
All in all, one of the best on the web.
Is it possible for some of the apps out there to be used on my PC? I am not very wise to all of this stuff but I can see where some of these apps might be helpful on my pc. Thank you for your time and all the wonderful information you put out there for us.
I have WeatherBug on my desktop and laptop; I’ve used it there for years. I currently have a problem with it on my iphone, however; I’m getting a “We’ve updated our terms of use and privacy” message whenever I open it and that’s as far as it will open. No problems with the computer app, nowever. I like it because it ties in with school science departments for local weather input and my nearest reporting station is only 4 miles from my home.
You may just want to try uninstalling the app and reinstalling it. That will clear out the old cache and may get you past that issue.
I am here because Weather.com on my computer overnight became ... “drywall”! We all look for reliable information, whatever the costs!
Providing no information whatsoever because you can not design universal interace platform for the delvery of the information (flashy adds are a separate issue) - that is not just “not the best” - that is the worst, sheer incompetence!
That’s got to be the WORST weather site available.
Our top pick is currently the Accuweather app. See our more recent story https://www.techlicious.com/guide/best-weather-apps-for-iphone-and-android/
Worst list:weather.com,accuweather.com,weatherchannel.com (which you cannot get anymore unkess you get cable)
There are no good weather sites. The gov site is ok, but they don’t offer any hourly details. They say morning, afternoon, tonight - all of which is very vague.
Have been watching Harvey and cannot quite believe Ccollege Station hass had less than half an inch of rain when I see the maps and my son tells me it has rarely stopped raining. But that is what my site says!
I use an android app called 1Weather and I have been VERY satisfied with it for several years now.
Weatherbug is free and available for both phones and PC. I’ve used it for years and am pleased with it. In addition to offering detailed, current (Now), 10-day and hour-by-hour conditions from nearby weather stations (it partners with school science departments so there’s usually a reporting weather station within 15-20 miles from wherever you’re located), it’s added Flash which will show you how far away lightning has struck. Even in a rural east TX area, there’s a reporting station within 15 miles of my grandchild’s home. We both love it.
I use Weatherbug on PC, Phone & Tablet for the sound alerts and quick checking of alerts & lightning among other detailed information. Weather.gov has the Mosaic Radar map
that shows what’s happening in the country, and the Weather.gov alerts map shows a great overview for country & local areas. These 3 are my go-to for severe weather. Most of the police and emergency services around here use Mosaic, with WB or weather.gov to keep track of severe incoming weather.
I just started using Dark Sky and it’s great for letting you know just how soon it is going to rain. Great it your trying to decide to start cutting your grass.
I also use the WPXI weather app which is local for Pittsburgh area. I call it the doom and gloom weather app because it forecasts rain a LOT. To be fair it does rain her a lot but still.
The Firefox add-on that depends on Dark Sky just sent me outside thinking it was 84 degrees. I couldn’t figure out why I was struggling so much mowing the lawn. I finished and checked the Accuweather forecast, which said the temp was 92+ or something and felt like 104. Whew! Most of the weather sites gave varying temps, but all were higher than Dark Sky—- or the add-on someone made using Dark Sky. It’s not refreshing correctly and that’s not good, IMHO. I got sick of the bogging down with Accuweather as an add-on, so I’m not sure where to go for reliable, current weather. I like having the weather on my toolbar, so I don’t have to look up or bookmark the website. Our motto is, “It’s great to be a weatherman, because no matter how badly they do their job, it doesn’t seem to matter.”
Ever since IBM bought The Weather Company, which previously purchased Wunderground but left it alone, Weather Underground has removed most of the functionality - including reliable favorites - from paid users and apparently fired all of their customer service representatives.
By the way, WeatherBug is spyware. It got its start by using schools and teachers to victimize parents and educators. I don’t know if they are still affiliated, but at one point AccuWeather and the WeatherBug were either the same company or directly tied to each other. Neither can be trusted.
WeatherBug is not spyware. If you believe otherwise, please support your claim.
You’re probably too young to remember when this was common knowledge; at the time they were one of the most pervasive.
Leopards can’t change their spots. Especially a highly aggressive leopard such as WeatherBug.
You’re referencing a forum post from 2004 as your evidence that WeatherBug, 14 years later, is spyware (By any chance, are you the same Rob who wrote that post)? Even that (your?) post largely supported what others had said at the time, the free version of WeatherBug served ads, and could be considered Adware - but that’s a very different thing than spyware.
FWIW, Microsoft analyzed WeatherBug at the time and made the determination it was not spyware: http://www.eweek.com/security/weatherbug-miffed-at-microsofts-spyware-classification. I’ve found no evidence of WeatherBug being flagged for any type of adware or spyware since those mid-2000s versions.
And, again, that was 14 years ago! If anyone needs a reminder of how much things have changed since 2004, Weatherbug was being shipped with AOL Instant Messenger to run on your Windows XP machine. Doubleclick, one of Weatherbug’s ad networks, was later bought by an up-and-coming company called Google in 2007. And, FWIW, I was 35 years old in 2004 - old enough to remember things.
“You’re referencing a forum post from 2004 as your evidence that WeatherBug, 14 years later, is spyware”
You asked for evidence, there you go. That was written six years after WeatherBug started peddling their spyware.
“(By any chance, are you the same Rob who wrote that post)?”
“Even that (your?) post largely supported what others had said at the time, the free version of WeatherBug served ads, and could be considered Adware - but that’s a very different thing than spyware.”
It was doing more than that, sending back information about browsing habits, software usage, and more. And, even adware still tracks what you do, otherwise it’s delivering non-targeted ads, which makes adware that does tracking spyware.
“FWIW, Microsoft analyzed WeatherBug at the time and made the determination it was not spyware: http://www.eweek.com/security/weatherbug-miffed-at-microsofts-spyware-classification.”
You misread. Microsoft did classify it as spyware and caused AWS to become aggressive in defending itself.
“I’ve found no evidence of WeatherBug being flagged for any type of adware or spyware since those mid-2000s versions.”
Once a child molester, always a child molester. Spyware peddlers are in exactly the same boat: they can never be trusted except to spy on their users. Those classifications may have changed due to legal challenges of certain types of spyware claims, promises of a clean act by AWS, bribery, and so forth. There’s no proof they cleaned up their act.
“And, again, that was 14 years ago! If anyone needs a reminder of how much things have changed since 2004, Weatherbug was being shipped with AOL Instant Messenger to run on your Windows XP machine. Doubleclick, one of Weatherbug’s ad networks, was later bought by an up-and-coming company called Google in 2007.”
Again, once a spyware peddler always a spyware peddler. WeatherBug was one of the worst violators for YEARS! You expect me to believe they cleaned up their act?
“And, FWIW, I was 35 years old in 2004 - old enough to remember things.”
Then you ignored them? Or maybe you just didn’t pay attention at the time. That’s okay, most people didn’t. Just because you weren’t aware of it does not mean it wasn’t happening. Similarly, unless you have access to the source code of WeatherBug, you can’t say they aren’t spyware.
I realize these were old comments, but Josh had me laughing with references to the two biggest internet/computer spies out there: Microsoft and Google. If there is any affiliation to either of those, it’s a guarantee that spyware is part of anything. Thanks for the chuckle.
Apparently weather.com has just become a delivery system for left wing, anti-conservative propaganda with a little focus on weather forecasting thrown in. WeatherBug it is….
I just took a look at the site and I’m struggling to find the “anti-conservative propaganda” you’re referring to.
I tried WB on several occasions and had a variety of problems with ads, cookies and so on. Maybe some overstate the deviousness of sites, after all its only weather info we want.
I used a stand alone program called weather pulse until it was abandoned due to licensing fees or something. Have yet to find anything close to that in overall usefulness without aggravation.
I am network admin. we run a defense-in-depth security program, including: Zscaler, carbon Black, DarkTrace, Eset, & Proofpoint.
WeatherBug is explicitly banned by company & hash on Carbon Black. Blacklisted on Zscaler & Eset.
Tests using Darktrace with weatherbug on a honeypot showed (in 2018, after an exec complained they wanted it) continuous, open connections on multiple ports to multiple IPs.
Considerable data being sent off to weatherbug.
After showing my findings, the exec deleted it off his home PCs too.
Innocent data mining by weatherbug? Maybe.
I’m not taking that chance.
Hi Eddie,
Thanks for the additional info. I ran the Weatherbug install file (WeatherBugSetup.exe) and each of the program files through VirusTotal. All the files came up clean across all 69 engines.
There were instances of previous flags of WeatherBugSetup.exe, notably by ESET two years ago, but that version was downloaded from some French app download site (pcastuces.com), so could have been modified with a malicious payload. The other flags were also third-party downloaded versions. That is probably why you’re seeing the blacklist from ESET and likely the other security programs.
I can’t explain the open connections Weatherbug maintains when running, as I obviously have no insight into how its coded or what is running in the backend. The app pulls in a lot of content from outside companies - live cams, weather alerts, etc. - perhaps some of this is pulled directly from those third-party sites, rather than via Weatherbug’s servers or maybe it’s just coded badly (or both).
In any case, I still don’t see any evidence that Weatherbug is spyware, but there’s no way to prove that Weatherbug isn’t spyware, either. So makes complete sense why you might want to keep it off corporate hardware, especially since there have been non-official versions that seem to have been compromised.
I didn’t care for the computer app, and uninstalled it right away ... glad I did after reading your posts. But I do like the web version. Very clean and fast.
I recently dumped Intellicast for Underground ... now I’m dumping Underground because it is just wrong on local temperature most of the time ... I’m talking 8 - 10 degrees wrong. I check it first thing in the morning before walking my dog and it reports 61. So I don a sweater or the like and go out and freeze my butt off because it’s 51!
Guess I try Weatherbug for awhile.
Thanks for your post. I stumbled onto this site in looking for info on the best weather site, to see if there is a better add-on I can use for Firefox. I’m currently running a toolbar add-on that relies on Dark Sky, after dumping Accuweather due to their heavy ads bogging things down. I don’t know if it’s the add-on/developer or if it’s Dark Sky, but the same darn thing just happened to me with temps being way off. I don’t think any of these weather sites know their butts from a hole in the ground when it comes to accuracy. Maybe I’ll hang a thermometer outside my door.
So many ads causing the sites (including this one) to be slow. The Weather Channel has cable subscription income. Weather Underground was acquired by Weather Channel so it has now been filled with ads as well. Locals call Accuweather, “In-AccuWeather” because even though their headquarters is in our town, my house friends agree that we get no better forecast than from other sites. Obviously, I’m obviously I’m missing something because all the main weather sites are full of ads.
Sorry, Elizabeth, But WU sucks! I have been using it for the past 20 years. It used to be great, but just as soon as it was bought and moved to San Francisco, it just not work.
You used to be able to pay for add-free on a desktop. That has gone away.
The many multiple ads seem to be fighting each other, to load, and while that is happening, little weather info is load. I have tried it on 4 different browsers. Same problem. They ignore complaints on their Facebook page.
They broke it and cannot fix it.
Which site has the most accurate forecasts? Has a professor done a scientific study of this? Thank you.
From the comments here, it’s clear weather content has been monopolized by ad mongers.
We need a Wiipedia or OpenStreetMap for weather—a non-profit, ad-free, non-tracking, community-based service whose only goal is the public good. The NOAA has the raw data and resources, but is reluctant to compete against the private sector.
The monetizing junkies behind Accuweather.com recently completely crippled their site for anyone with the audacity to block their ever-growing list of intrusive data-mining, data-sharing, tracking, beaconizing, sniffing cookies from all the notorious and much-despised third-party ad servers. If Wunderground does the same, I’m content to glance at my cheap weather station:
wet string = rain
whipping around = windy
icicles = below freezing
skies darkening = storm’s a’coming or sunset.
The “H” with monetizer abuse of privacy. (So-called Privacy Policies aren’t worth the pixels they’re printed with.)
How about a weather news site that doesn’t push the human global climate change bs and tells the truth ?
Because, Marty, you are proposing a catch-22. What you fail to comprehend is they are telling the truth. An inconvenient truth, but a truth nonetheless. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it untrue or “fake”.
In case some didn’t know, Dark Sky has joined Apple. The news is here: https://blog.darksky.net/
My experience with darksky.net is new - thank you for the weather site suggestions. Years ago..in the early 2000’s, I used weatherunderground.com. It was ad free and easy to use…like darksky. I’m always looking for the simpler, but informative weather sites, with few ads and less clutter. Good luck darksky.
The Weather Channel. Slow. Cumbersome. Laden with pop ups, ads and useless garbage strewn all over the screen that you must pick your way through. The Weather Channel decided serving up click bait was more to their liking than actually doing the weather.
No matter how fast my computer is it can’t keep up with the stupidity of their programmers who seem intent on making the experience on their site as painful as possible.
Really! It is one ugly site in terms of their attitude towards their users.
That this website thinks they are the best simply means it is owned by TWC or they were paid to rank them the best.
It is a giant horrible mess that takes a long time to just see the basic information.. and they want people to pay for it? Are you kidding me? Make it work first, then I might would. Why would anyone pay for a site and service this horrible?
This is obviously promoted. Weather.com is unusable. It’s ads.com with a little weather sprinkled in.
Personally I have been using accuweather for years. I find it the most reliable tool on the list.
Read More Comments: 1 2
From Rich Moser on May 23, 2013 :: 4:45 pm
I’ve been following weather.com AND the Weather Channel (same company) for years. On TV, they’re good, but you have to wait for the info you want. Online is a different story. The site navigates *very* poorly and there is absolutely zero customer service (believe me, I’ve tried!). In my California location, they are really quite awful in their forecasting accuracy, worse that most, and they are very slow to update—as in, it’s 70 and sunny outside right now but they still say that there’s a 70% chance of rain and will be cloudy all day, which was their forecast yesterday.
From javid on March 20, 2014 :: 2:14 am
you r right.
From Mark Leavitt on January 25, 2015 :: 5:29 pm
How this site gets on any list is mind baffling, I ditto all the comments above but in addition, weather.com needs to pull back in the reins and offer a simple, navigational web site with less adds getting in the way. Stop using he web site like the weather channel. They got stuff all over the place and to find a chart for your particular area, it’s hunt for a needle in a haystack or looking for the Lost Arc. It’s usually buried in a video article along with 5+ other charts of useless information.
In addition, I find local weather channels do the same thing, finding information is supposed to be fast and easy, instead they load the web site with so much junk including video after video (and ads), it becomes slow due to long running scripts on the web page.
Personally, I skip all of it and just go to NOAA and to get the latest via National Weather Bulletins (just read the SIMPLE text) and head over (if need be) to AccuWeather to get detail info in 2-3 clicks. About 1 min or less of my time versus 5+ minutes roaming around in Weather.com.
From Suzanne on October 04, 2018 :: 6:02 am
I used to love The Weather Channel, but now it’s more junk and ads than weather and takes forever to come up. Very disappointing.
From Janet on February 01, 2019 :: 7:25 pm
I HATE the fake news and scam websites that are on the weather.com site!! I am hoping I can actually find a legitimate non-greedy site.