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6 Great YouTube Channels for the Latest News
If you're one of countless cord-cutters who no longer have cable—or even if you aren't, but you don't find time to catch a lot of broadcast television—you may miss how the morning or evening news broadcast kept you up to date on the news and issues of the day. However, YouTube is here to help fill your knowledge gap.
Whatever type of news you're after—from traditional network news to 24/7 news coverage or something a more modern take on the news—we've got something that will help keep you on top of the latest developments.
YouTube's World News page
YouTube's World News channel draws videos from the top news sources on the network to create a single news megachannel. If you're a serious news buff, this is a great way to find all of the latest coverage, no matter who's covering it. Expect dozens of new videos every day as the channel pulls in the best of what YouTube has to offer.
Not only is this a great place to keep an eye on all major events, you can also use it to find specific news channels to follow separately.
ABC News
If you're looking for traditional television news, ABC News is the best of the bunch when it comes to online programming. On this channel, you'll find a stead stream of videos—about a dozen a day—covering the latest news and features from popular ABC shows like World News Now, 20/20, and Good Morning America. All of these videos are news snippets that are a few minutes long, taken directly from ABC News television programming, so you'll get the sort of programming—and the quality—you'd expect on television.
However, you won't find any full shows here—only clips of what ABC News thinks is most important. You may find that this is a good way to keep up with the news without the commercials and extras—but you may also feel like you're missing out, too. Also, you'll see a hefty amount of celebrity and fluff news. This may be a positive or a negative depending on your tastes.
The New York Times
You might not think of The New York Times as a video medium, but their YouTube channel is full of video content that supplements their text coverage. Expect to see a few new videos every day, which cover a broad range of subjects: you'll find some breaking news, but more often videos on fashion, cooking, entertainment, politics, or just about any other topic you can imagine.
Al Jazeera English
If it's a 24/7 news network you'd like, Al Jazeera English offers a live stream of their current coverage on their YouTube page. This international news network provides stellar coverage of global news with the level of quality you'd expect from television news—but with a greater focus on world news than a domestic news network might have. In addition to their live stream, they post a lot of individual news reports as stand-alone videos for viewing whenever you like.
This is a high-volume channel that posts 30 or more new videos a day, ranging from news coverage that's a few minutes long to in-depth interviews that can be a half hour or longer. If you're interested in international news or events, you can't do better than Al Jazeera English.
The Young Turks
If you're looking for something that's a bit more modern, The Young Turks may be what you're after. This network produces original online news programming, and with over a million YouTube subscribers, it easily bests the subscriber counts of more traditional sources. (ABC News, with 579,000 subscribers, is the next nearest.)
Expect around a dozen new videos a day ranging from a couple of minutes to around ten—and plenty of edgy content that you wouldn't see on the network news.
Like The Young Turks, SourceFed is a popular YouTube news channel with over a million subscribers—but where The Young Turks aims to present itself like a professional news network, with hosts and commentators wearing suits (if not so formal as wearing ties), SourceFed is a lot more casual, with hosts wearing t-shirts.
Squarely targeting a young online audience, SourceFed covers a range of odd and interesting news stories, but don't expect standard breaking news coverage here. The channel posts about 5 new videos a day, most only a few minutes long, though SourceFed does have several regular shows that run in the 15 to 20 minute range.
One of these sources should suit your news tastes—and prove that it's easy to get the 24/7 news network experience wherever you are, even without cable television. And remember you can watch any of these on your smartphone or tablet as well either through the gadget's browser or through the YouTube app that is free on iTunes and Google Play. You can even stream it off your mobile device to any HDMI-equipped TV with the inexpensive Chromecast stick to catch the news you want on a big screen as well.
Terrible list. Most of these are just propaganda outlets, such as the New York Times owned by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. TYT also isn’t news, it’s commentary. And not exactly an objective or fair channel to list considering they are partnered with Google and get special treatment on the front page all the time, so their popularity is totally manufactured.
Found the two people mimicking our whacko president… Christopher and Jeff. Geez-Louise guys… pull your heads out of the president’s and GOP’s ass. These are credible news sources.
Notice how Jeff and Christopher have no suggestions themselves, only repeating what our president has said like some parrot on his shoulder.
These are liberal channels and not real news. They exist to promote liberal policies and doctrine. TYT don’t even hide their biases.They’re as bad as CNN. If you’re a liberal you’ll love these channels because they allow you to stay in your echo chamber and not be challenged.
Phill Defranko hes biased (against) a bit with child abuses but he covers trump and everyone else extremely well
GO TO WWW.pewnews.org
This is a trend that predates Trump by decades. There are very very rare exceptions but typically when its negative towards the democrat candidate its given token at best coverage. If its negative against the republican candidate then the story is given nonstop drumbeat style coverage. I think of it as a A couple drops of rain vs a torrential down pour. This situation was pain prior to 2008 , but still tolerable. The media pretended to be unbiased and went through some motions to give it a cloak of unbiased. Then it became noticeably worse during the 08 campaign. Then it went to infuriating levels in 2012. But what occurred in 2016, the media bias went to insane level from that point onward. As a result the backlash among Conservative was to back Donald Trump.
From Christopher Baran on December 16, 2016 :: 6:25 pm
Any suggestions that arent fake news?
From Josh Kirschner on December 17, 2016 :: 11:06 am
ABC News, NY Times, Al Jazeera…