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Polaroid Brand Instant Film Cameras are Back

The Fujifilm Instax 7S (left) and the Polaroid 300 (right).
Polaroid, the brand that was once synonymous with instant film, left the business about two years ago. The brand is now back on a basic consumer camera that spits out business card-size prints. I say "the brand" because the actual camera is a rebadged Fujifilm model, the Instax 7S. (Though the Polaroid does come in other colors–black, red and blue.) The film appears to be the same as well, but we haven't been able to confirm that.
In the shots we took, the colors were bright and true to life and the focus was soft, which you'd expect from this type of camera. Prints take several minutes to fully process, but it's still fun to see them slowly emerge from the field of white.
The Polaroid 300 costs $90 and film $10 for 10 prints–a bit pricey for everyday shooting. Hopefully that will come down or you'll be able to use the Fujifilm packs, which are almost half the price. You can buy the Polaroid at Bloomingdale's in New York City and J&R Music World. It will be available nation-wide starting in June.
Check out the video below for my hands-on review.